2 Good 2 Toss starts TODAY

In Today's Events, by , on May 15th, 2014

Employees are still able to donate items to 2 Good 2 Toss.

Plus, don’t forget about the hot dog sale this Friday at noon. A great way to celebrate commencement week and buy some “treasures.”

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Again this year, employees who participated in the Vincentian Mission Certificate program are organizing “2 Good 2 Toss.” The goal of the second annual “2 Good 2 Toss” is to keep usable items out of landfills. Before leaving campus, students will be invited to donate usable goods in good condition that they no longer want.

Items will be sold at a university-supported garage sale on May 15 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and May 16 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hot dog sale will run from noon – 2 p.m.