2014 Yearbook Photos: Make-up Day

In Upcoming Events, by , on January 15th, 2014

A photographer from Lauren Studios will be on campus on Monday, Jan. 20, from noon until 7 p.m. Photos will be taken for the 2014 Niagara yearbook in the multi-purpose room in the lower level Gallagher Center. This is a make-up day for any deans, faculty, administration and staff who missed the opportunity to get their photos taken last semester. Group photos will be taken of each office or department as well as individual photos for university officials. Those needing individual photos are asked to inform the photographer upon arrival.

Contact the campus activities office at ext. 6516 to sign up for a convenient time. Offices are asked to bring something for the photo that represents their group or department. Candid photos of departmental activities also are encouraged by the yearbook staff and can be submitted directly to them.

Please note that this year the yearbook photos for faculty, administration and staff will all be professionally done. Therefore, if an appointment is not scheduled with the photographer, your picture will not appear in the book.