From March 2015

‘Cyrana’ Kicks Off Tonight

In Today's Events, by , on March 25th, 2015

Niagara University Theatre will present “Cyrana” from March 26 – March 31. Cyrana — poet, soldier, and hopeful romantic– is a mistress of all trades, exasperatingly stubborn and exceptionally skilled. And yet, she encounters a tangle of triangular trouble as … More

IIB Seeking Coat Donations

In Announcements, by , on March 25th, 2015

The International Institute of Buffalo (IIB) works with American and international organizations to resettle refugees from various parts of the world to Buffalo, NY. These refugees have often spent years in refugee camps and come to the U.S. without clothes … More

UGL Unicco is Now DTZ

In Announcements, by , on March 25th, 2015

Please note that the university email for DTZ (formerly UGL Unicco) will be changing to effective April 1, 2015. If you need to contact DTZ, please use this new email address; NOT the address. IMPORTANT: Please know that after … More

Brother Emmanuel Coming to NU

In Upcoming Events, by , on March 25th, 2015

Please save the date and make reservations to meet Brother Emmanuel, from the ecumenical monastic community at Taizé, France.  While at Niagara, Brother Emmanuel will offer a lunch and lecture, as well as a 3-hour retreat complete with evening prayer … More

Money-In, Money-Out Training

In Announcements, by , on March 25th, 2015

Want to learn more about purchasing, contracts, and cash handling? Contract signers and budget officers got a special invitation, but all NU employees are welcome to attend the “Money-in, Money-out” training to be held in the Gallagher Center MPR April … More

Imam to Speak on Campus

In Announcements, by , on March 25th, 2015

Niagara University will welcome Imam Daayiee Abdullah as part of the Women’s History Month celebrations on campus. He will address a number of classrooms on these two days as well as the larger university community on March 26, from 6-7:30 … More

CCTL Grants for Classroom-Based Inquiry

In Announcements, by , on March 25th, 2015

Due March 27: The Committee on College Teaching will be awarding several $1500 grants for Niagara University instructors who conduct classroom-based inquiry into active learning. All professors teaching one or more courses at Niagara University are invited to submit a … More

Accounts Payable Reminder

In Announcements, by , on March 25th, 2015

Due to the Easter holiday, checks will be processed on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. If you need a check next week, paperwork must be received in the Accounts Payable office by noon on Friday, March 27, 2015.

CCTL Grants $1,500 for Classroom-Based Inquiry

In Announcements, by , on March 24th, 2015

Due March 27: The Committee on College Teaching will be awarding several $1500 grants for Niagara University instructors who conduct classroom-based inquiry into active learning. All professors teaching one or more courses at Niagara University are invited to submit a … More

Reminder from Accounts Payable

In Announcements, by , on March 24th, 2015

Due to the Easter holiday, checks will be processed on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. If you need a check next week, paperwork must be received in the Accounts Payable office by noon on Friday, March 27, 2015.

Student Achievement Award Nominations

In Announcements, by , on March 24th, 2015

Niagara University’s Student Government Association (NUSGA) has begun a student achievement award, which will recognize undergraduate students who are nominated by faculty, staff and administrators.  This will be a monthly award and NUSGA will determine the recipient based on nominations submitted.  … More

Grad School Week Continues

In Today's Events, by , on March 24th, 2015

Niagara University’s Graduate School Week is positioned at the perfect time for undergraduate students to further explore graduate school opportunities, post-grad options and have the ability to network with current graduate students and faculty.  This program also features opportunities for current … More

Career Expo TODAY

In Today's Events, by , on March 24th, 2015

Niagara University is hosting a Career Expo on Wednesday, March 25, from 1-3:30 p.m. in the Gallagher Center gym. More than 70 employers will be on campus looking to hire college students, new graduates and young professionals for full-time, part-time, … More