NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Awards Grant To NU For First Responder Training

In Announcements, by , on January 27th, 2017

Niagara University’s First Responder Disability Awareness Training program has received a three-year, $320,000 grant from the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.

The award will fund the development of training in New York state for emergency managers, those who have a role in emergency response, individuals with disabilities and service provider agencies. Its intent is to educate these constituents on planning, preparedness, response and recovery for individuals with disabilities.

NU FRDAT project director David Whalen will oversee the grant and its development, ensuring its full implementation through continued work with several state offices, including the Office of Emergency Management and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. He will also be working closely with the disability community in the development of core advisory groups that recognize individuals with disabilities as partners in the planning process.

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