Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equality, and Mission Presents: Reconciliation and System Changes

In Announcements, by , on March 28th, 2018

Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equality, and Mission and co-sponsor NASW New York State Chapter present:


“Reconciliation and System Changes”

JUNE 13-15, 2018

Niagara University

Registration is Now OPEN!

Current rhetoric and community outcomes require intentional and systemic efforts to improve the social conditions of those who are vulnerable in our society. The quest for racial equity and equality is needed more than ever.

Register now for Early-bird registration rates!

You can view the Schedule of Events and Register at

Attendees will be able to earn CEU’s while attending pre-conference and six concurrent sessions that will focus on research, skills, emerging practice, and round table discussions.

Keynote Speaker

“Reconciliation and System Changes” David Anderson Hooker, PhD, JD, MDiv

Professor of the Practice of Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies in University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs


 “Partnerships that Divert Juveniles from the Criminal Justice System” Melissa Ortega Costa, LICSW