Niagara Students Experience Another Kind of PoWR

In Upcoming Events, by , on November 14th, 2018

All are invited to a panel presentation in which Niagara University students will share their “Experience of Another Kind of PoWR” (the Parliament of the World’s Religions). The Seventh Parliament of the World’s Religions was recently held in Toronto, Ontario between November 1st and 7th.

The upcoming panel presentation will take place:

  • Monday November 26, 2018 from 10:10 to 11:15 AM
  • Multipurpose Room, Lower Level Gallagher Center.

With the generous support of the Niagara University Religious Studies Department, ten students taking part in a course on the history of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) were able to take part in the PoWR for an afternoon.  As Vatican II opened pathways for Roman Catholic involvement in such dialogue, the opportunity allowed the students and their professor to experience the realities involved in, and to gain further understanding of, current efforts and issues in interreligious relations

This panel presentation is the first of activities being undertaken by the University’s Center for the Study and Practice of Religion as envisioned through the collaboration of Dr. Craig Rivera and Dr. David Taylor, Rev. Joseph Levesque, C.M., President Emeritus of Niagara University, and JonJay Stockslader, former Director of Continuing Education at Niagara University. One of the aims of the Center, announced at the beginning of last summer, is to facilitate opportunities for Niagara University students, employees, and members of the broader community to engage their faith and deepen their experience of religious practice. The Center is ecumenical, and is intended to support and promote Niagara’s mission and the life of a Vincentian institution.