Shinrin Yoku – Japanese Forest Bathing

In Announcements, by , on October 17th, 2019

The NU Center for Mindful Practice is pleased to invite you to join Dr. Jennifer Fendya on Saturday, October 26, 2019 as she takes us on a journey of peace, healing, and awareness as we walk through the forest. We will learn the methods that the Japanese have developed on how to use our senses to connect to nature to enhance self, health, and well-being. Be prepared for the weather and walking and meet us at the Castellani Art Museum where we will carpool to our location. We will plan to leave at 1:00. Cost is $25.00 per person. Free for NU students, faculty, and staff.  Attendance is limited.  Registration is required.  Register at or contact  Dr. Donna Kester Phillips for more information.