Mindfulness Conversations and Mindful Movement Conference

In Announcements, by , on September 21st, 2021

Center for Mindful Practice at Niagara University
Saturday, October 2, 2021 – Mindfulness
Sunday, October 3 – Mindful Movement

The Center for Mindful Practice is excited to announce the virtual Mindfulness Conversations Conference event that will be held on October 2-3, 2021. Saturday, October 2 will be dedicated to Mindfulness. Sunday, October 3 will be dedicated to Mindful Movement/Qigong. Both days are for Educators, Health Professionals, Law Enforcement, First-Responders and the Military intended to assist attendees and those they work with to find ways to survive and thrive during these uncertain times.

This year’s conversations will focus on education and wellness through mindfulness and mindful movement. We will be presenting workshops for teachers, counselors, administrators, psychologists, social workers, school staff, yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi practitioners, physical therapists, athletic trainers, dancers, police officers, fire fighters, and anyone in the military. The intent of this event is to call together those interested in mindfulness in their field to meet with others to discuss their work, questions, concerns, share ideas and activities, and to create connections so that ongoing conversations can take place.

Presentation proposals will be accepted until September 25, 2021.  Registration closes September 30, 2021  For more information contact Send Email or go to the conference website at https://www.niagara.edu/mindfulness-conversations/