Farewell to Campus Minister Mikayla Fulton

In Other, by , on August 22nd, 2024

It is with sadness that I bid farewell to Mikayla Fulton, ’19, from Campus Ministry.

Her work at Niagara ends with the successful completion of the Vincentian Immersion Program Freshmen Service Plunge. To add, Mikayla received her BA in religious studies from Niagara University. A gifted student, Mikayla then completed two master’s degrees at Boston College, also in theology.

As campus minister, Mikayla applied her many gifts to various activities, such as bible study, retreats, the Vincentian Immersion Program, and leadership formation. Mikayla also served as a mentor to many students and helped them discern important decisions. Last year, Mikayla worked as a well-loved director of the Vincentian Scholars Program. She would often speak of her love for Niagara University, and the students in particular.

In closing, Mikayla Fulton leaves a lasting impact on the lives of our NU students, staff, and administration. I wish her success in the future. Please join me in thanking Mikayla Fulton for her ministry.

Fr. Greg Semeniuk, C.M.
Vice President of Mission and Ministry