Daily Reflections for Vincentian Heritage Week Sept. 21-29, 2024

In Other, by , on September 3rd, 2024

“If You Want Peace, Work for Justice”
St. Pope Paul VI, January 1st 1972

The theme of the Vincentian Heritage Week this year invites us to focus on peace and justice, particularly through the insight, actions, and words of our patron, St. Vincent de Paul. As he lived in a land stricken by warfare almost every year of his life, our world is marked by multiple ongoing armed conflicts, different types of warfare (information, economic, electronic, hybrid, etc.) and a global cry for justice that includes today both people and the environment. The relevance of this theme cannot be overstated, for we all have a unique role to play, as Vincent would remind us.

Because the search for peace and justice involves the individual, society, and the international community, our brief reflection each day of this week seeks to heighten our awareness of both self and others in the United States and around the world. Portraits of St. Vincent created by artists from different cultures will help us remain open to nations and groups, as well as use our senses in contemplation and prayer.

Knowing that the connection between peace and justice has deep roots in the Bible, which remained a great source of inspiration for Vincent, we will propose Biblical and Vincentian quotes that will draw attention to some of the values we are called to share as a Vincentian community.  

A link to a concrete action for peace and justice led by Vincentians, both lay and clergy, around the world will be provided each day. May all of us find inspiration and perhaps an invitation to support some of these initiatives or create our own.

Download the Daily Reflections here.