Niagara Global Tourism Institute Advisory Board Announced

In Announcements, by , on February 16th, 2015

A 15-member advisory board formed to oversee a Niagara University-led initiative to transform the regional tourism industry was announced today.

The Niagara Global Tourism Institute Advisory Board will be co-chaired by the Rev. James J. Maher, C.M., Niagara University president, and Christopher Schoepflin, president and CEO of USA Niagara Development Corporation.

Its members include:

“We are very pleased that an extremely talented and impactful cross-section of local leaders has volunteered to see this project through,” said Father Maher. “By bringing partners together from the sectors of government, business, education and tourism, we will collaboratively reestablish Niagara Falls as the bastion of hospitality and improve the quality of life for every citizen in this community.”

“It is both important and gratifying that the Niagara Global Tourism Institute is able to attract this very accomplished group of individuals to work on the startup and establishment of the Niagara Global Tourism Institute,” added Schoepflin. “We are especially grateful for the group’s collective willingness to serve the industry and community in this capacity.”

Read more here.