Money-In, Money-Out

In Announcements, by , on March 23rd, 2015

Want to learn more about purchasing, contracts, and cash handling? Contract signers and budget officers got a special invitation, but all NU employees are welcome to attend the “Money-in, Money-out” training to be held in the Gallagher Center MPR April 13 and 17.  Come meet the players who keep business moving; all are welcome to attend.

The training will include everything from comparison shopping, to using WebAdvisor to make purchases of over $50.

  • Monday, April 13, 10-11:30 a.m., Multi-Purpose Room, LLGC
  • Monday, April 13, 1-2:30 p.m., Multi-Purpose Room, LLGC
  • Friday, April 17, 10-11:30 a.m., Multi-Purpose Room, LLGC

Please RSVP by April 7 to and indicate the session you will be attending.