Message from facility services: C&W Services

In Announcements, by , on October 28th, 2015

After a competitive bidding process which involved representation from the campus community, DTZ was chosen as our continuing custodial contractor. On Oct. 1, 2015, we welcomed C&W Services to our campus. C&W Services is a name change for DTZ but will be a new custodial contract for Niagara with a new way of doing business. While specifications have been enhanced and new equipment purchased to be more efficient, it is the culture that is changing the most.

The new contract is a performance based contract. Instead of looking at tasks and frequencies, we are focusing on results. With frequent required inspections there are actual real monetary penalties for deficiencies. Tasks will be driven by need and priority versus frequency driven. Cleaners have more input in the areas they clean and become results oriented with accountability increasing. The focus is more on incentives and positive reinforcement.

In the coming weeks and months, as the contract specifics are put into place, there will be updates sent to the university community. As we move forward, please do not hesitate to contact facility services or C&W Services with any concerns or questions about this new beginning.