A Message from Counseling Services

In Announcements, by , on May 7th, 2014

As we wind down from our academic year, please note that counseling services does observe summer hours. In addition to observing summer hours, our staff is also reduced due to our interns completing their placements with us. As with many offices, the month of May is especially hectic with staff vacations, trainings and other daily commitments. It is important to remember that we do continue to have students on campus who may be in need of counseling services. Please direct all student referrals to our main number, 716-286-8536 (ext. 8536 on campus). Kathy Palazzo, our office coordinator, will coordinate an appointment with the student. Should a crisis arise and counseling services staff not be immediately accessible, please follow our flowchart recommendations (see attached handout) by contacting the dean of students office (ext. 8405)/Office of Residence Life (716-286-8566; ext. 8566 on campus; ask for the resident director on call). Please do not hesitate to contact Monica Romeo, director, counseling services (mromeo@niagara.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.

Quick Tips_Assisting Students in Crisis