A Message from Payroll: Summer Schedule

In Announcements, by , on May 10th, 2018

Please email Send Email  by Friday, May 11, if you would like the summer schedule to be put into your timesheet so that the half-hour lunch is automatically deducted from your time.  If you have the summer schedule in your timesheet, you will only have to record your time in and time out. For more information, please refer to the pdf ADP 2018 Summer Schedule.

For those of you who do not want to use the summer schedule, you will have to record your time as follows:

Use two lines for each day. (2 Row set-up:  click on “Preferences” at bottom right of timecard and choose “rows per day” and click “2” from drop down.)  Record your morning hours by putting your time in, and then time out at lunch.  Next, click the 3-line icon located to the far left of row. Using the drop down click “Override,” and choose “Out Type.”   Then click “No lunch” under drop box .  Additionally, record your afternoon hours by putting the time back from lunch and the time you leave at the end of the day.

This does not apply to those of you who use your ID card to swipe in and out.

Thank you,

ADP 2018 Summer Schedule Instructions