Academic Success Center (formerly the Office of Academic Support) Open House – September 6th

In Announcements, by , on August 23rd, 2018

I am pleased to announce that the former Office of Academic Support has been renamed the Academic Success Center. While it is in the same location (1st  floor, Seton Hall), recent changes such as expanded space, new carpeting, and a fresh coat of paint made it an ideal time for a name change that more accurately and positively reflects the goals of our office on campus:  to help our students achieve success!

In addition, Disability Services, also housed in the Academic Success Center, has been renamed Accessibility Services. This name change reflects the primary goal of this service:  to make all aspects of learning and living at Niagara University accessible to all students.

Please stop by the Academic Success Center’s Open House on Thursday, September 6th, between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., to meet the staff and take a quick tour!

Also, as a result of the name changes, we’ve updated our departmental emails and web site address:

Questions: Please contact Diane Stoelting at 716-286-8076 or Send Email