Are you conducting a camp for minors this year? Please attend mandatory meeting, June 10.

In Today's Events, by , on June 10th, 2014

As you know, the university puts the highest priority on the safety of those we serve. That includes minors, who often attend camps and clinics on campus. With that in mind, if you are running a camp or clinic this year, the university would appreciate your assistance in documenting that we run safe programs for minors. Please plan to attend a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, June 10, at 1 p.m. in Bisgrove 250.

In anticipation, if your department or college is running a program for minors, please send Stephanie Adams, general counsel, an email listing: the name of the program, the dates it typically runs, and the ages it serves. Please list each program you may know of individually, and include any links to online listings of the program.

If you have any questions, please call Cole at 286-8319 or