Community Graduate Information Session

In Announcements, by , on July 28th, 2014

NU Community: Come learn about the new, online, and existing graduate programs that Niagara offers

Thursday August 7, 2 p.m. – LLGC MPR

Plan to attend the graduate programs community information session to learn about the new (Humber College criminal justice, developmental disabilities, CMHC bridge, MS finance, 4+1 & 2’s), online, and existing graduate programs that Niagara University offers.  The session will be held on Thursday, Aug. 7, from 2 – 3 p.m. in LLGC MPR.  The purpose of this session is to provide NU employees a brief overview and distinctive points of our graduate programs.  The information offered in the session will better equip you to articulate our graduate programs to current and prospective students, the community, etc.  All NU employees are welcome and light refreshments will be served.   As a reminder, the Summer Graduate Information Session is at 6 p.m. on the same evening in the Bisgrove Hall, Glynn Atrium, for individuals interested in starting graduate school this fall.   Please contact Evan Pierce with any questions at / ext. 8327.