Denying Access: NoDAPL to NoNAPL.

In Announcements, by , on October 25th, 2019

Tuesday, November 5th at 5 PM in Lower Level Gallagher’s Multipurpose Room, there will be a film screening and panel discussion of Denying Access: NoDAPL to NoNAPL.  The film is a gripping and emotionally charged documentary, chronicling the Water Protectors at Standing Rock and Seneca Territory working to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Northern Access Pipeline – proposed in our own backyard of Western New York and the Southern Tier. This Indigenous-led movement has brought together people from around the world in an unprecedented call for the recognition of Indigenous rights and an end to an environmentally destructive fossil fuel industry. Senecas went in large numbers to “stand with Standing Rock” against DAPL and came home to find another pipeline, NAPL, being planned just upstream from their territories.

For more information about the film and to view the trailer, visit


This event will include the film screening and a panel discussion with:

  • Writer/producer/director Jason Corwin, Ph.D., whose work targets the confluence of Indigenous ways of knowing, digital storytelling, and environmental education
  • Niagara University student and citizen of the Seneca Nation Rory Wheeler, who is a strong advocate and protector of Tribal sovereignty.  Rory serves as the Youth Commission Co-President for the National Congress of American Indians, and Youth Advisory Board Vice Chair for the Center for Native American Youth at the Aspen Institute.
  • Representatives from the Tuscarora and Six Nations


Food will be generously provided by the Office of Multicultural Affairs!