Disability Awareness Training

In Announcements, by , on October 13th, 2016

Over the last few months, a small group of faculty and staff members have been working together to develop information, resources and support that will help the university proactively improve access to programs, services and physical spaces for individuals with disabilities, as well as manage requests for accommodations from students, employees and visitors with disabilities. This information will be shared with faculty and staff members during two sessions that are scheduled this fall:   

•             Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016 | 2:10-4:10 p.m.

•             Monday, November 7, 2016 | 10 a.m. – noon  

The content of each session will be the same and both sessions will be held in Bisgrove Hall, Room 350/351. Refreshments will be provided.  

The overarching goal of these sessions, which this group hopes to hold each year, is to develop a campus environment in which anyone, including individuals with disabilities, can interact with departments, programs and services as comfortably and as efficiently as possible.   

Most everyone knows that accessibility is a legal issue. However, ensuring that Niagara is accessible to everyone is a concrete example our mission in action – compassionately teaching, serving, supporting, advocating and respecting the dignity and abilities of every person who lives, learns, works and visits our campus.   

We ask that you RSVP for these sessions by contacting Marissa Beccari at 716.286.8072 or mbeccari@niagara.edu.  Please make every effort to attend. 

For more information, please contact: 

•             Diane Stoelting: 716.286.8076, ds@niagara.edu  

•             Kelly Engert: 716.286.8541, kadams@niagara.edu  

•             Nanette Harmon: 716.286.8216, nharmon@niagara.edu  

•             Donna Mostiller: 716.286.8690, dmostiller@niagara.edu  

•             Michael Jeswald: 716.286.8704, mjeswald@niagara.edu  

•             Kimberly Heffler: 716.286.8690, kheffler@niagara.edu