E-Advocacy for Increase in Financial Aid and Funding in the NY State Budget Priorities

In Announcements, by , on March 23rd, 2021

The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities has established an e-advocacy platform that allows people to customize a letter supporting the top higher education budget priorities — TAP, Bundy Aid, and Opportunity Programs — to their state representatives and leaders in the Assembly and Senate.

The Chairs of the Assembly and Senate Higher Education Committees, Assemblymember Deborah Glick and Senator Toby Stavisky, have communicated that it is critical that they hear about our priorities from members within their conference.

Any member of our campus community can participate in this in this e-advocacy campaign, including faculty, staff, administration, and students. Your participation will play an important role in pushing our advocacy to the finish line.

Click Here for the E-Advocacy Web Site

  1. Fill out the information fields and click submit.
  2. This will take you to a page where there will be a letter already created, along with the option of adding custom text. Once the letter is completed, click submit a second time and it will be sent to respective members of the state government. If you are not from NY state, you can enter the university’s address.

If you have any questions, please contact  Tom Burns