Embracing U.N. Sustainable Development Goals to Advocate for Population Health- A Call to Action

In Announcements, by , on March 21st, 2022

Save the date: April 7, 2022 4-7PM
Location: Niagara University, Lewiston NY, Salvatore Dining Common

You are invited to a timely program with implications for current and soon to be professionals who share responsibility for the health and well-being of our future generations at local, state, national and global levels. The United Nations (U.N.) has been the leader in these efforts over the decades. At this program, Dr. Pennie Branden, Sigma liaison to the UN, describes the UN Sustainable Development Goals. A panel follows with examples of advocating for equity and preserving and sharing resources with respect for all persons in every corner of the globe. Whose responsibility is this????

Who Should Attend:

  • NU students, especially those in health-related professions majors
  • NU faculty
  • Sigma Theta Tau members
  • Nursing faculty at area universities

RSVP to Anthony Volpe by March 31, 2022 by e-mailing avolpe or calling 716-286-896