Faculty-Student Research Findings Accepted For Presentation At International Writing Conference

In Niagara News, by , on February 18th, 2014

A study conducted by a Niagara University professor and five of his students has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Writing Research, one of the foremost writing conferences in Europe.

Dr. Joseph Little will travel to the University of Amsterdam this August to present the group’s findings related to Sheryl I. Fontaine’s analysis of the four core functions of “freewriting,” the act of transcribing one’s unedited thoughts for an uninterrupted period of time.

Undertaken as part of one of Dr. Little’s 300-level English courses (Writing and Well-Being), students examined 163 freewrites for their final paper, the results of which Dr. Little is now comparing with his own findings in preparation for his presentation this August 27-29.

Read more, including which students are involved, by clicking here.