Final ShredFest!?! A Better Solution?!? Your input is needed.
For three years, the general counsel’s office has sponsored “ShredFest: a Celebration of Proper Document Retention and Destruction.” However, it may be time for the university to move on. In the spirit of taking the next step in best practices, if you run an office that stores data either electronically or on paper, please send us the following information:
What types of information do you need to retain? (Please see the university document retention guidelines at for a list of categories.)
What format(s) do you retain it in?
How long do you need to retain each type for?
How many 1×2 boxes, per year, do you recycle/destroy?
How many 1×2 boxes, per year, do you have in storage?
Where is your storage?
Do you use a scanning or microfilm process?
The university will be using this information to create an RFP for a single recycling/destruction solution. This could mean standing, secure sites for document storage and periodic destruction, or continuing to use a bi-annual event. Please send this information, and any other thoughts you have on this topic, to scole. It is also hoped that this will create more usable space, reduce the potential for fire hazards, and increase compliance with regard to confidentiality.