Help Protect Tap

In Announcements, by , on August 25th, 2020

New York State is reportedly facing a $14 billion revenue shortfall due to Covid-19 – and the NYS Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) has announced that they will withhold 20 percent of student aid award payments including TAP awards.  The Governor has said that if the federal government does not provide sufficient aid directly to states that these withholdings won’t be reversed.

How can you help?

The Legislature will have a chance to weigh in before any of these cuts become permanent. Legislators are already being lobbied to protect various programs from funding cuts so it is important that they hear from the NU community about TAP.

The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) has activated their e-advocacy platform, allowing you to reach out to your state legislators to let them know how important TAP is.

The e-advocacy letter can be found at this link.

Thank you for your support in helping our students.