“Helping Students Understand International Careers”

In Upcoming Events, by , on March 12th, 2014

The offices of career services and international relations would like to invite you to attend a seminar, “Helping Students Understand International Careers: A Seminar for Career Counselors, Student Advisors and Faculty,” on Monday, March 17, at 12:15 p.m. in Bisgrove Hall 350/351.

During this half-hour seminar, learn about international careers from bestselling author Jean-Marc Hachey and his online resource MyWorldAbroad.com (formerly The BIG Guide to Living and Working Overseas). Hachey ’s presentation discusses how to guide students interested in building an international career, how students can acquire international experience, and the difference between an international and domestic job search. Hachey will put forth innovative ideas on how various departments can help students build international careers and global citizenship credentials as well as provide an overview of how his online resource available to faculty and students through the career services and international relations’ websites through myNU.

Please see attached poster for more details.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Rhonda Shiah at rshiah@niagara.edu or at ext. 8360.

Microsoft Word - Hachey-Poster20140318-Niagara[2].doc