Holiday Break Message for Payroll
Due to the Christmas Recess, paper timesheets must be completed and turned into payroll no later than noon on Friday, Dec. 20. Any timesheets received after noon on December 20 will not be processed until we return from Christmas Recess for the pay date of January 10 , 2020.
ADP timesheets for the pay period of 12/8-12/21/19, must be completed no later than noon on Friday. Supervisors must approve timesheets no later than 10:00AM on Monday, December 23, 2019.
**In addition, when you return January 6, 2020 if you are entitled to paid holiday hours, please populate and code hours as “Holiday” for the period of December 23-January 3, 2020.**
Do not hesitate to contact payroll with any questions at Send Email.