Inaugural Robing Locations for Inaugural Procession

In Today's Events, by , on April 4th, 2014

If you are planning to participate in the procession for Father Maher’s inauguration on Friday, April 4, please be advised that robing will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the following locations:

Faculty in ACAD 127;
Staff/Admin in ACAD 129.

We will not be robing in the Kiernan center, as was originally stated.

NOTE: These rooms will NOT be secured during the inauguration ceremony, so please do not leave any valuables in the robing area.

If you have any questions about the procession, please feel free to contact Dr. Henrik Borgstrom at


In case of rain, robing areas for faculty, staff and administration will be moved from ACAD to LLGC, as follows:

Faculty will robe to the right side of the multi-purpose room, outside the international relations office.
Admin/Staff will robe to the left side of the multi-purpose room, outside the student affairs office.
(All members of the platform party will still robe in the multi-purpose room)

In case of rain, robing will begin at 2:30 p.m., with line-up beginning at 3:15 p.m.

You are responsible for bringing your own regalia to the robing areas.

Please note that these areas will not be secured during the inauguration ceremony, so please do not leave any valuables unattended.