Kiernan Recreation Center (KRC) updates
The KRC pool will be closed from Aug. 14-24 for maintenance. Also, the Lewiston Porter School District is currently doing a complete renovation of their pool facilities. It is anticipated that the school pool will not be available until March of 2016. Serving as a good neighbor and to assist the Lew-Port school district, the Kiernan Recreation Center (KRC) pool will be the home to the programs that would usually operate out of the Lew-Port pool (i.e. boys and girls swim team, swim meets, etc.). With these programs utilizing the KRC, there will be some disruptions in the pool schedule. If you need a pool schedule for the fall semester, please stop by the Kiernan Center or e-mail John Spanbauer at Send Email. Although there will be some disruption to our pool schedule during the time period of the renovation project at Lew-Port, the university is confident that offering the pool facilities to accommodate the Lew-Port programs is the appropriate action to take.
Starting Sept. 1, 2015, there will be a change to the KRC family hour schedule. There will be no family hours on Fridays or Saturdays. Family hours will be offered on Sundays all day during the operational hours. This change will reduce the impact that family hours have with student usage and it will allow for a more flexible schedule where members can utilize family hour privileges for an entire day and will not be limit to any specific time period.