Message from the controller’s office and business services: Money In – Money Out

In Announcements, by , on September 4th, 2015

Money In-Money Out 

One-quarter into the fiscal year, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has become actively involved in Money In-Money Out.  

As we continue to use the system, we will work to improve areas throughout the process. We also want to share the following information, which may be helpful:  

User Guide – At the training session, user guides were distributed to help you through the changes in processes. Please keep your guide handy as a quick reference. If you need an additional guide, please contact Don Smith at x8348 or Send Email 

Selecting a Vendor – To select a vendor, type the company name and click “submit.” If the vendor is on file, the name will come up. To make sure you are choosing the correct vendor, please check the address.  

If the vendor does not come up, call Business Services before completing the requisition. If reimbursing an employee, the employee’s name should come up as a vendor. If it doesn’t, call Business Services to create a vendor record. This may occur for newer employees.  

Requisitions and Invoices – If you have completed a requisition and an invoice, send the invoice with a signature indicating that it is approved to pay, along with a copy of the email you received to Accounts Payable. Also, please indicate that you’ve received the goods.  

Reimbursements – If you are requesting a reimbursement to yourself, you are the vendor. You do not need to select the vendor where you purchased the goods. Please note that sales tax will not be reimbursed. Please contact Business Services for instructions on making tax-exempt purchases.   

Selecting correct G/L account – For budget and tracking purposes, it is very important to charge purchases to the proper category. Please do not select an account just because there is money in that budget. You may use the online budget revision form found on the Controller’s page to transfer budget. Also, please do not charge purchases to pool accts, 62100, 62200, 62300 and 62700. 

If you have questions about requisitions or purchase orders, please feel free to contact Maria Hamilton in Business Services at ext. 8366. Questions about authorizers/approvers or budgeting should be directed to Jacquie Agnello at ext. 8346. 

For your reference, attached you will find a form to grant Web requisition processing/authority to another individual in the department. Also attached for your reference are the petty cash and the procurement policies.  Please note that the petty cash policy has been revised to allow for off-campus local meals (under $50).  

We will be hosting a series of Brown Bag sessions in the very near future to answer any additional questions you may have about the Money In-Money Out procedures.


