MLK Week events

In Today's Events, by , on January 21st, 2016

All Week

Community Service Project

Students are invited to donate school supplies to the local Boys and Girls Club. Collections will be received in the Office of Multicultural Affairs on the lower level of the Gallagher Center. Contributors to the community service project will be entered to win a grand prize that will be announced at halftime of a Niagara University basketball game.

Thursday, Jan. 21, 5 p.m. – Speaker Series: Sheyann Webb

This a free, public presentation featuring the nationally known author of Selma, Lord, Selma, a critically acclaimed book that was made into a Disney movie. Castellani Art Museum.

Saturday, Jan. 23, Trip to Washington, D.C.

Niagara University students will take a trip to Washington, D.C., to view the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and the National Great Blacks In Wax Museum, among other sites. The experience is co-sponsored by NU’s campus programming board. 

For more information, please contact Niagara University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs at 716.286.8510 or