Niagara University Establishes Ostapenko Center For Race, Equality And Mission
Niagara University announced today the creation of a new on-campus center that will advance the institution’s commitment to diversity and social justice.
The Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equality and Mission, consistent with Niagara University’s Vincentian mission and interdisciplinary core, will be focused on race and equality, generating and applying research to cultivate exchange among faculty and students; engaging meaningfully with the broader community on initiatives that apply research to action; and integrating issues of race and equality into the teaching/learning environment at Niagara.
“In alignment with the Catholic and Vincentian mission of Niagara University, the Ostapenko Center will serve as a resource on issues related to race relations on campus and racial equity in the community,” said the Rev. James J. Maher, C.M., president of Niagara University. “We will engage our students, faculty and staff to work collaboratively with stakeholders and partners to leverage change in the academy and across sectors of education, business, government and the community.”