NU Lions Club: Eyeglasses & Hearing Aid Recycling

In Announcements, by , on December 13th, 2017

The NU Lions Club invites you to donate used eyeglasses (regular and sunglasses) and used hearing aids.  Our goal for this service project is to collect at least 50 pairs of glasses.  You may put your donations in the green collection box in the lobby of the Gallagher Center by December 18.  The box is on top of the brochure rack to your left, as you enter the Gallagher Center. Or you may bring your donations to club advisor Sharon Green in the Office of Academic Support, Seton Hall, 1st floor.

With the help of Lions Club International, donated eyeglasses and hearing aids will be sent to low-and middle-income people in need.  See

Please contact Sharon Green at ext. 8071 or Send Email with any questions.