NU Saved Paper Through Payroll – Thank you for going paperless
For those who have signed up for direct deposit, payroll stubs are now only available by accessing it through ADP (see instructions on MyNU under “Payroll” or call Tamanna Rafique at 8343). Those who currently or in the future elect to get a “live” paper check will still get the paper copy. For anyone without a computer who needs to access a copy of the check, you may access the internet at the library; the reference desk will have the instructions. The Center for the Advancement of Scholarship, Teaching, and Learning in St. Vincent’s Hall, Room 107, also has instructions.
Why was this done? Niagara University is a proud participant in the Presidents’ Climate Commitment, which includes a promise to reduce our greenhouse gasses and use of natural resources. This past summer, the Resource Stewardship Task Force estimated that the university could annually save over a ton of paper by moving to paperless payroll. So, after investigating to ensure those who need physical copies of their checks can easily obtain them, starting April 22 (Earth Day), Niagara University began paperless payroll! Thank you to the many departments and committees who considered this change and agreed that we could save much paper, and helped to start Earth Day 2014 right. Please direct questions to business affairs at ext. 8343.
The final sustainability committee meeting will be held this Wednesday – share your ideas for next year.
The sustainability committee welcomes you to our final meeting of the semester on Wednesday, May 7, at 12:20 p.m. in CASTL (Vini 107). At the meeting we will 1) summarize the accomplishments from this year, 2) begin a plan for next year’s requirements for the PCC, and discuss any ideas for academic year 2014-2015 projects. Please join us. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Mark Gallo, mgallo, or Mr. Dan McMann, dmcmann.