NU Team Fares Well In Student Marketing Campaign Competition

In Announcements, by , on March 9th, 2017

Niagara University was well represented at the American Marketing Association Rochester Collegiate Relations fourth annual collegiate conference on Feb. 24. This conference provides a forum for marketing students to engage with a wide range of experienced professionals. It is supported and sponsored by funding from Niagara University, Rochester Institute of Technology, St. John Fisher College, Morgan Stanley and Merlin Digital Printing Solutions. Students representing the universities and colleges listed above attended the conference.

The Student Marketing Campaign Competition featured Merlin Digital Printing Solutions. The presentation covered the company’s digital printing benefits, types of collateral materials, corporate services, manuscripts, direct mail, specialty printing, variable printing and customer base. The competition provided the students a real-time application to organize a marketing campaign to increase Merlin Digital Printing Solutions’ brand awareness of the company’s capabilities and services. The teams were provided the opportunity to conduct follow-up meetings and discussions with principals of the company.

Niagara’s team placed second in the competition and was awarded $400 in funds for NUMA club and a trophy for the university.

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