NU Theatre Presents: The House of Bernarda Alba

In Announcements, by , on March 14th, 2018

WHO & WHAT:  The House of Bernarda Alba, by Federico Garcia Lorca, from March 22 – 26 is being directed by adjunct professor Amanda Lytle Sharpe. Following the death of her husband, formidable matriarch Bernarda Alba will do anything to protect her family’s fortune and the future of her five daughters. A deal is struck — a marriage of convenience between her eldest girl and the son of a business rival…but will the wedding happen?  Contains mature themes and language.

WHEN & WHERE: The House of Bernarda Alba will be on stage in the Leary Theatre within the Elizabeth Ann Clune Center for Theatre, Clet Hall, at 7:00 pm on Thurs. Mar. 22 and Mon. Mar. 26, and at 7:30pm on Friday, Mar. 23 and Sat. Mar. 24. A 2:00 pm matinee will be held on Sat. Mar. 24 and Sun. Mar. 25.   

Ticket prices for “Bernarda Alba”

$15 general admission for adults
$10 for NU employees, NU alumni, Friends of NU Theatre, Seniors 62 and over; and Youth 21 and younger (non-NU)

Box Office Phone Number: 716-286-8685


For More Information: Media representatives who wish to schedule an interview or photography are asked to contact Steven Braddock, director of Niagara University Theatre, at (716) 286-8329 or Send Email or Suzanne Hibbard, office & media coordinator at (716) 286-8480 or Send Email