Open up your home: Niagara Catholic seeking host families for foreign exchange students

In Announcements, by , on July 28th, 2015

Niagara Catholic Jr./Sr. High School is seeking host families for several Foreign Exchange Students from Vietnam, and China for the 2015 – 2016 school year.

The students from Vietnam and China will be coming to Niagara Catholic through a joint program with Niagara University.

We need your help!  The students are English speaking, kind, academically strong, polite and eager to become involved in NC programs.  Now they are hoping to become part of your family.  If you have ever thought about hosting an exchange student, now is the time to act.

A generous monthly stipend is provided.

For more information about becoming a host family, please contact Niagara Catholic Jr./Sr. High School’s assistant principal/director of admissions, Mrs. Stephanie Owen, at 283.8771, ext. 260, or via email at