Recycling for a better NU – How to do it right

In Announcements, by , on December 2nd, 2015

Recently, the Sustainability Committee hosted a representative from our recycling company, Modern Recycling.  Even seasoned recycling veterans learned something new…for instance, we can now recycles pizza boxes.

The Sustainability Committee is convinced that our environment would benefit if everyone took 6 minutes to watch this video about single-stream recycling (“single stream,” means that all recyclables are put in one bin, to be separated later at the recycling facility).  So please take a moment to watch this important message on how to recycle our campus waste products.

Please feel free to let the SusCom leaders (Dr. Mark Gallo, Dan McMann, Stephanie Adams) know your thoughts on how we can make recycling a force for positive change at NU (including locations for recycling bins).  And remember–recycle those pizza boxes.