Reporting Influenza-like Illness
Self–Report your Absence due to Influenza-like Illness:
Influenza-like illness is amongst us. Help keep our NU community safe by self-reporting your absence due to illness. Forgot how to report? It’s as easy as one, two, and three!
Illness reporting process for all NU employees/faculty/and staff absent due to influenza-like illness:
• Employees ill due to influenza-like will self-report their illness through Absence4Flu reporting site. Go to MyNU, My Links, and Absence4Flu.
• Employees who have an immediate family member or significant other who is ill, or who has been confirmed to have Influenza-like illness, should notify their supervisor.
• Employees that become ill while at work should be sent home.
• If the employee is unable to self-report, supervisors will report employees/family member’s illness daily through the Absent4Flu utility as directed by human resources.
• Employees should not return to work until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. Employees should first use their sick time, then any unused vacation or personal time.
• Employees absent more than five consecutive working days must provide documentation by a note from your health care provider and are required to apply for short term disability and FMLA.
• “Full time faculty members who are absent more than five consecutive working days must document by a note from your health care provider and are required to apply for FMLA.”