Research Paper By NU Professor Lauded At International Hospitality Conference

In Announcements, by , on May 4th, 2016

A research paper co-authored by an associate professor at Niagara University was awarded second place during the 2016 Korea America Hospitality and Tourism Educators Association Conference, which was held April 21-22 in Las Vegas.

The paper that was co-authored by Dr. Chang Huh, who teaches in NU’s College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, was titled A Descriptive Study of Ambient Noise Levels in Hotel Guestrooms. It examined what contributes to noise levels in the guestrooms at urban, suburban, and interstate hotels. The results of the study offer a thorough description of guestroom noise and should help management understand and amend the noise in guestrooms that may disrupt the guest experience.

In that conference, Fabian Lehmann, who is matriculating toward a degree in hospitality management from NU as well as from her highly regarded home institution in Bad Honnef, Germany, also presented a research paper, To Return, or Not To Return: Retention Factors among Seasonal Employees?, during the Undergraduate Student Research Forum. The paper examined underlying factors that can persuade skilled seasonal employees to return to their jobs during the busy season.

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