Save the Date: Niagara University’s 17th Annual CCTL Conference on Teaching and Learning

In Announcements, by , on April 19th, 2017

Niagara University’s 17th Annual CCTL Conference on Teaching and Learning will be Jan. 9, 2018.

Dr. Todd D. Zakrajsek will be the keynote speaker. Zakrajsek is an associate research professor and associate director of fellowship programs in the department of family medicine at the University of North Carolina, and co-editor of the Journal of Undergraduate Medical Education (JUME). In addition to his work at UNC, Zakrajsek serves on several boards: Journal of Excellence in College Teaching; International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Higher Education Teaching Learning Portal; Technology Enriched Instruction (Microsoft); and Communicating Science in K-12 (Harvard). Zakrajsek is also currently serving terms as an elected steering committee member for the both the Professional Organizational Developers Network and the National Academies Collaborative.

His current academic work and publications pertain to faculty development, effective instructional strategies, and student learning. His most recent publications include Teaching for Learning (book co-authored with Claire Major and Michael Harris; Routledge, 2015); Developing a SOTL-Based Course (chapter in Using SoTL to Enhance your Academic Position: American Psychological Society: 2015); The New Science of Learning (book co-authored with Terry Doyle; Stylus; 2013); Developing Learning in Faculty: Seeking Expert Assistance from Colleagues (chapter in New Directions in Higher Education; 2014); Essential Skills in Building and Sustaining a Faculty Development Center: Budget and Staff (Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning; 2013); and Scholarly Teaching: Suggestions for a Road More Traveled (International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2013). He also co-edited a special volume of the Journal of Excellence on College Teaching, “Teaching for Brain-Based Learning.”

Look for the call for proposals at the end of May.