Social Justice Speaker Series 2019-20 Kicks Off on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 2 PM with Michael Africa, Jr.

In Announcements, by , on September 5th, 2019

The 2019-20 Social Justice Speaker Series begins this coming Tuesday with a presentation by Michael Africa Jr.  Through storytelling and hip hop, he will discuss life as a member of the MOVE organization.  Here is a brief Guardian-produced video of the largely forgotten violent attack of 13 May 1985, during which Philadelphia police bombed the Move compound, killing 11 people, including five children, and destroying an entire neighborhood:


The presentation is in Lower Level Gallagher, Multipurpose Room, from 2 – 3:30 PM on Tuesday, September 10th.  Within, Mike will “take you on a journey of his life from the day that he was secretly born in prison, to the bombing of his family on May 13th, 1985, up to his parents’ release from prison after serving 40 years.”