Social Justice Speaker Series: The Climate Emergency

In Announcements, by , on October 4th, 2019

On Thursday, October 10th at 2 PM in Bisgrove 350/351, Aric McBay will explore the topic of how the climate change crisis will affect social justice and human rights (see the attached flyer).  And he’ll look at how different social and political movements can work together to build a future worth living in.  As he argues in his recent book, Full Spectrum Resistance, only powerful social movements and resistance movements can fight back and ensure a future of social and environmental justice.

McBay will draw out key lessons from movements through history and around the world. From the Suffragists to the Black Panthers, from Nelson Mandela to Gay Liberation, McBay illuminates the paths and pitfalls that movements must navigate, and the principles that succeed.

Please join us—bring friends, colleagues, classes, and community members.  We look forward to sharing in this discussion!