Staff Highlights from Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
The Office of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs is pleased to announce that Rob Healy, Niagara University’s director of veterans services, has been elected president of the Western New York Consortium of Higher Education Veterans Coordinators, June 2015 through June 2016. As president, Rob will be responsible for coordinating regional recruitment, support and job placement programs and services for veterans.
Alexandra Tramposch, counselor in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, was awarded the Rising Star Award at the New York State Association for College Admission Counseling annual conference in Utica last week. The Rising Star Award honors individuals and programs that exemplify excellence and dedication to serving the needs of students in the transition from high school to college. Preference is given to those who have worked in the field for no more than five years and are new members to the organization who are striving to make a difference within the association through their work in committees. Alexandra also serves NYSACAC as co-chair of the Media and Marketing Committee.
Please join us in congratulating Rob and Alexandra.