Student Managers Dining Series: Fall 2015

In Announcements, by , on October 28th, 2015

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management presents:

Student Managers Dining Series Fall 2015

St. Vincent’s Hall, 4th floor  

Four-course dinner for only $20 per person

Seatings  at 6 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the following dates: 

Nov. 3, 4, 17, 18, 24, and Dec. 1, 2 

Enjoy “Our Gourmet Statler Dining Room menu,” a themed sit-down dinner menu which includes specialty beverage, appetizer, entree, dessert and coffee/tea.

* Prepared and served by the students in our food production class. 

Call the office of continuing education for reservations at ext. 8181.

*Menus are not released prior to the date of the event.