The Department of Religious Studies seeks nominations for its annual Ozanam Award.
Blessed Frédéric Ozanam was a brilliant scholar who started the world-famous St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Accordingly, this award goes to a Niagara student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in BOTH academics AND community service.
Nominees must…
- -be a junior or senior
- -have at least a 3.5 GPA in their Religious Studies courses and a 3.0 GPA overall (note: they don’t have to be a REL major)
- -be the kind of person who does ‘more’ in terms of volunteer workIn your message please include a paragraph explaining the nominee’s attributes and accomplishments. (We can track down their GPA.)
- The winner will receive an Ozanam medallion at the Arts & Sciences Day of Recognition.
- Please email your nomination to ameliag by the end of the day on March 13th