The Multi-Disciplinary Power of Niagara Research Studies Spotlighted on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at the Annual Niagara University Research Symposium. Please Join Us for a Morning of Contemporary Research Discussions.

In Announcements, by , on December 6th, 2017

Faculty and students, especially students completing their Masters Degree Programs during the 2017-2018 Academic Year, are cordially invited to join us at the 2017 Annual Niagara University Research Symposium on Leadership and Policy that will be held on this, Saturday, December 9, 2017 8:30am to 12:30pm in Academic Complex/Bisgrove Hall Rooms 350 & 351. This research seminar is an annual opportunity for PhD faculty and candidates in the Niagara University PhD Program in Leadership and Policy to to present their current research studies and interact with members of the Niagara University community about their respective research. The Niagara University PhD Program in Leadership and Policy is a university multi-disciplinary research program that has had 37 candidates successfully complete their PhD since its commencement in Fall 2011.

The interdisciplinary aspect of this PhD program is specifically highlighted via the research studies that will be presented by doctoral candidates who are expecting to receive their PhD in May, 2018. The following PhD faculty and candidates are scheduled to present at this 2017 Annual Research Symposium:

Dr. Walter S. Polka, Professor and Coordinator of the PhD Program: Your Dissertation Is NOT The End of your Research…It’s Just The Beginning: A Personal Reflective Perspective.

            Dr. Catherine Collins, Adjunct Professor and New York State Board of Regents Member: Equity in Sentencing Issues for African American Women: Comparative US and Multi-Country Research.

            Ms. Rosina E. Mete, Ontario Registered Psychotherapist: An Examination of the Impact of Social Support on Psychological Well-Being amongst Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Ontario and Canada.

            Mr. William Campbell, Former Captain in the US Air Force and current Manager Chapin International: Why Do Individuals Volunteer For The Military During Times Of Armed Conflict? A Phenomenological Study.

            Mrs. Kimberly DiSimone, Professor at Jandoli School of Communications, St. Bonaventure University: A Phenomenological Exploration Of Corporate Women’s Perceptions In Navigating Barriers In Achieving Executive Level, Top Earner Positions.

            Mr. Steven Ursel, Royal Canadian Police Mounted Police Investigator and Polygraphist: Does The Use Of A Person’s First Name In A Polygraph Examination Increase The Likelihood Of Generating A False Reading?

            Mrs. Wendy Johnson, A Board-Certified New York State Behavior Analyst & Licensed Behavior Analyst and Program Coordinator at Erie BOCES #2 School District: Using Behavioral Skills Training (BST) Methodology with Para-Educators.

            Mr. Joe Wrigley, Principal at Eastdale Public School, Thames Valley District School Board, Ontario: A Generalizability Theory Study of Athlete Scoring in the Olympics Games.

            Mrs. Erin Richardson, Director of Museum and Library Collections at Fennimore Art Museum and The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown, NY: Collecting as an Institution: Measuring the Consequences of Legitimacy in New York State Museums with SEM.

Ms. Wyleia Miller, North Carolina Paralegal Administrator and International Poverty Abatement Advocate: Correlates of Indices Impacting Non-Immigrant Black Americans: A Path Analysis on “The Negro Family: A Case for National Action”.

Mr. Mike Alaimo, Niagara County Community Residence Director: An Assessment of the Association Between Country Specific Socio-Environmental Conditions and the Typology of Terrorist Organizations.

            Mr. Paul Moskaluk, Lewiston-Porter High School Social Studies Teacher: A Mixed Methods Study of Technology in Social Studies Instruction: Using Multiple Frameworks to Compare Technology Adoption and Regents Score Results.

 For More Information about this 2017 Niagara University Research Symposium,

Please Contact Dr. Polka (wpolka or via phone: 716-425-1860).