Theological Reflection Series April 29 and May 6 NOON –
We would like to invite you to two free upcoming events. You can attend these events virtually/online or in-person, although due to COVID-19 protocols at Niagara University, in-person attendance is limited.
Below is some brief information about these two events that are happening on Thursday, April 29, 2021, and Thursday, May 6, 2021. You can follow the link below to the events page for full information and to register. If you wish to attend the in-person lunch on April 29, 2021, please contact Eileen Klein at 716-286-8520 or to secure your spot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
About Dr. Aihiokhai’s: Dr. Aihiokhai is currently an associate professor of systematic theology at the University of Portland and a Fellow at the Westar Institute. [MI. Read more about Dr. Aihiokhai] |
April 29 at 12:00 pm
Title: Deconstructing the Idolatry of White Supremacy: Embracing a Trinitarian Identity as Solidarity With Others.
Attend online or in-person. |
About Dr. Aihiokhai’s Discussion:
“Grounding our identity in the Trinitarian vision allows us to see ourselves as a creatures radically defined by webs or relationships. This talk aims to deconstruct identities of exclusion that have come to define whiteness as a mode of being in the world…”
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About Dr. Gibson:
Rev. Dr. Danjuma Gibson, Ph.D. is a professor of pastoral care at Calvin Theological Seminary, and is in private practice as a psychotherapist in Grand Rapids, [MI. Read more about Dr. Gibson]
May 6, 2021 at 12:00 pm
Title: Demythologizing the Work of Freedom: Reimagining our Vision of Theological Praxis. By: Danjuma G. Gibson, Ph.D. Attend online/virtual. |
About Dr. Gibson’s Discussion:
“This talk invites participants to demythologize the lives and work of various 19th and 20th century freedom fighters and revolutionary thinkers such as Fannie Lou Hamer, Ida B. Wells, and Martin Luther King Jr. (to name a few). …” |