Today on campus: Our Planet, Our Home, Our Campus

In Today's Events, by , on November 18th, 2015

Sustainability, in its most basic definition, means the ability to continue on indefinitely.  For humans it typically means to live in a manner that is cognizant of the interconnectedness of economy, society, and environment.  Many societies are grappling with sustainable development and the intersection of forces and constraints that have led to questions concerning issues such as climate change, environmental degradation, overconsumption, wealth distribution, economic growth, accountability, carrying capacity, and biodiversity.

Pope Francis released his Encyclical Laudato Si’ this spring regarding his thoughts as to how the denizens of the world have to change or suffer dire consequences.   The United Nations Conference on Climate Change, which begins November 30th, is a meeting for countries to describe the steps they will take to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.  How do these global initiatives affect our campus, and more importantly what steps are we taking to address sustainability issues locally, regionally, nationally, and globally?

Come to an open forum on Nov. 18 at 4 p.m. in Bisgrove Hall, Room 350/351, to participate in a lively discussion regarding sustainability from a number of perspectives.

Fr. James  Maher, C.M., President of Niagara University

Dr. Bonnie Rose, former Executive V.P. of Niagara University

Fr. Kevin Creagh, C.M., V.P. Mission and Ministry

Dr. David Reilly, professor of political science

Dr. Abigail Levin, associate professor of philosophy

Mitchell Alegre, instructor of management and leadership

Dr. Mark Gallo, professor of biology

Please join us and bring your thoughts, comments, questions, and concerns regarding sustainable living.