University Catalog Revisions

In Announcements, by , on November 8th, 2021

We are in the process of migrating our university catalogs to a fully digital format. A heads-up:  the most recent printed catalog, which is the source of the migration, is five years old, so we will need to make, in some cases, significant updates.  At the risk of throwing us back into the middle ages, I ask that you print out your department’s pages in the most recent catalog, and write in (legibly) your updates and send/email them to Dr. Borgstrom.  If there are a large number of changes, please attach a separate sheet with clear instructions for revisions. I plan on dedicating the winter break to cleaning up the new catalog, so please have your proposed changes to me by December 16 (but earlier is better, if possible). Moving forward, we will provide training to anyone in charge of catalog updates so that they can make revisions directly.